The mountain that, with its landscape and its songs, made of stormy fronds and chirping of birds, “drowns the thoughts” of one of the most beloved poets of Italian literature, is Mount Tabor. The hill of Recanati.
You can not think of this small town in the Marche region without evoking the wonderful words of Giacomo Leopardi. Poet who, in Recanati, was born in 1798. One of the greatest exponents of Italian literature, who won the time with his lyrics and his artistic sensibility.
The square of “The Saturday of the Village”, where the Leopardi’s house overlooks. The Palace, renovated around the mid-eighteenth century, houses the Library of over 20,000 volumes, commissioned by his father Monaldo, dedicated “filiis, amicis, civibus”. Inside the building you can admire some rooms furnished with period furniture and wonderful architectural decorations. The museum visit allows you to see the poet’s desk, next to the window overlooking the small square and the roofs of Recanati.
Mount Tabor, in whose park the World Center of Poetry and Culture was established, where conventions, seminars and various cultural events take place.
The National Center for Leopardian Studies of 1937 was established in honor of the great poet.
The Tower of the Solitary Sparrow ( La torre del Passero Solitario ), of the church of Sant’Agostino, a convent complex dating back to the XII century, rich, itself, of history to be contemplated. Various works by Pomarancio, Fanelli and Damiani are exhibited here; the Istrian stone portal designed by Giuliano da Maiano.
The passion for art and culture, in this small town in the Marches will find other hints of wonder: the Church of San Vito, which houses a canvas of Pomarancio, the Cathedral of San Flaviano with sarcophagi of the fifteenth century, including that of Pope Gregory XII, the Teatro Persiani, always wanted by Monaldo Leopardi, who hosted Beniamino Gigli, the Diocesan Museum in the Old Episcopio with the suggestive papal prisons, with numerous paintings, sculptures and sacred furnishings to admire.